Building stronger relationships with current and potential Black/African American MLIS students is a priority for BCALA.
Data from the most recent (2020) Association of LIS Education (ALISE) Statistical Report indicates that out of a total of 8,455 MLIS students, 725 identified as Black/African. Each one of those 725 students matters to us.

iBlackCaucus Vision Statement: iBlackCaucus’s vision is to empower Black/African American LIS students to serve communities across the U.S.

– To provide educational enrichment and culturally-responsive educational material for LIS students of color.
– To advocate for students of color within LIS programs.
– To encourage LIS faculty to address the needs of future and current Black librarians.
– To open channels of communication among library school students, librarians, and library educators.
Established in 1970, the Black Caucus of the American Library Association (BCALA) was formed to serve as an advocate for the development, promotion, and improvement of library services and resources to the nation’s African American community; and to provide leadership for the recruitment and professional development of African American librarians.
Phone: 917-856-8923